The South Asian Futures Fellowship annually supports early career researchers based in the South Asian region, interested in exploring the impact of geopolitics on regional cooperation. Fellows are at different stages of their careers with expertise on Non-Traditional Security issues; they participate in workshops, produce policy pieces, and are provided the opportunity of a 1-month research residency in a South Asian city. During this residency they work at a partner think tank, engage with experts, and conduct field study on a topic of their interest. The fellowship produces, and engages with, regional narratives and facilitates knowledge exchange on shared challenges in an evolving geopolitical context in the South Asian Region.
South Asia Futures Fellows are early-career scholars from the region who hold exceptional research calibre to explore the geopolitics of non-traditional security issues impacting South Asian countries and people.
South Asian Futures Fellows are early-career scholars from the region who hold exceptional research calibre to explore the geopolitics of non-traditional security issues impacting South Asian countries and people.
The South Asian Futures Fellowship annually supports early career researchers based in the South Asian region, interested in exploring the impact of geopolitics on regional cooperation. Fellows are at different stages of their careers with expertise on Non-Traditional Security issues; they participate in workshops, produce policy pieces, and are provided the opportunity of a 1-month research residency in a South Asian city. During this residency they work at a partner think tank, engage with experts, and conduct field study on a topic of their interest. The fellowship produces, and engages with, regional narratives and facilitates knowledge exchange on shared challenges in an evolving geopolitical context in the South Asian Region.
Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, IILM University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Fellows 2023
Mansarovar Podcast
Our Research
Fellows 2023









Mansarovar Podcast

The Mansarovar Podcast, produced by the Council for Strategic and Defense Research, New Delhi with support from Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, India, brings to you conversations with experts from South Asia on critical issues.
Season 1 of the Mansarovar Podcast delved into the nuances of regional integration and cooperation in South Asia.
Season 2 of the Mansarovar Podcast brings to you conversations on the growing confluence of geopolitics and non-traditional security issues in South Asia.

"The future of South Asia rests with the region's young people. Their ability to comprehend and respond to today's challenges will decide their future realities. This fellowship supports the brightest minds in the region, in not just shaping the future for their own countries but for the region as a whole. We are trying to turn a new leaf in regional cooperation through fresh ideas and concepts, sharpened through rigorous research and analysis."
Dr. Happymon Jacob
Founder, CSDR

"A better South Asian future demands better policy analysis that is tuned into the geopolitical reality of the region. The South Asian Futures Fellowship creates a cohort of young experts adept at exploring the confluence of geopolitics and non-traditional security issues for a peaceful and prosperous South Asia."
Dr. Tishya Khillare
Fellow, CSDR

"In South Asia we are living within old boundaries but with completely new people- young and ambitious. We are also faced with a new set of challenges that create opposing forces of cooperation and competition. This fellowship is CSDR's attempt to deal with this new reality; by engaging young minds in defining their national interests while responding to the growing need for regional cooperation."
Dr. Gaurav Saini
Co-founder, CSDR